
Communicate between components using messages and component ids.

An Emitter is used to send a message to any recipient. The recipient id is returned when calling component.

The Emitter has two functions:

  • emit (use in a sync context)
  • emit_async (use in an async context)

If the recipient no longer exist the message will be lost.

Implement the message method of the Component trait for a component to be able to receive messages.

The following example sets the component to accept Strings and starts a thread that sends a String to the component every second.


use anathema::runtime::{Emitter, Runtime};

impl Component for MyComponent {
    type Message = String; // <- accept strings
    type State = MyState;

    fn message(
        &mut self,
        message: Self::Message,
        state: &mut Self::State,
        mut elements: Children<'_, '_>,
        mut context: Context<'_, '_, Self::State>,
    ) {

// Send a string to a recipient every second
fn send_messages(emitter: Emitter, recipient: ComponentId<String>) {
    let mut counter = 0;

    loop {
        emitter.emit(recipient, format!("{counter} message"));
        counter += 1;

// Get the component id when registering the component
let recipient = runtime.component(

let emitter = runtime.emitter();
std::thread::spawn(move || {
    send_messages(emitter, recipient);