Element query

Both component events and messages provide an element query that can be used to access elements and attributes of the component.

Attributes can be read and written to.

Cast an element

It's possible to cast an element to a specific widget using the to method.

The to method returns a &mut T.

For an immutable reference use to_ref.

If the element type is unknown use try_to and try_to_ref respectively.


fn on_key(
    &mut self,
    key: KeyEvent,
    state: &mut Self::State,
    mut elements: Children<'_, '_>,
    mut context: Context<'_, '_, Self::State>,
) {
        .by_attribute("abc", 123)
        .first(|el, _| {
            let overflow = el.to::<Overflow>();

Filter elements


fn on_mouse(
    &mut self,
    mouse: MouseEvent,
    state: &mut Self::State,
    mut elements: Children<'_, '_>,
    mut context: Context<'_, '_, Self::State>,
) {
        .by_attribute("abc", 123)
        .each(|el, attributes| {
            attributes.set("background", "green");

There are three methods to query the elements inside the component:


This is the element tag name in the template, e.g text or overflow.

    .each(|el, attributes| {
        attributes.set("background", "green");


This is an attribute with a matching value on any element.

    .by_attribute("background", "green")
    .each(|el, attributes| {
        attributes.set("background", "red");


    fn on_mouse(
        &mut self,
        mouse: MouseEvent,
        state: &mut Self::State,
        elements: Elements<'_, '_>,
        context: Context<'_, Self::State>,
    ) {
            .each(|el, attributes| {
                attributes.set("background", "red");

Insert state value into attributes

It is possible to assign a value to an element using the set function on the attributes.

// Component event
fn on_key(
    &mut self,
    key: KeyEvent,
    state: &mut Self::State,
    mut elements: Children<'_, '_>,
    mut context: Context<'_, '_, Self::State>,
) { 
        .each(|el, attrs| {
            attrs.set("background", "red");

Getting values from attributes

To read copy values from attributes use the get function. To get a reference (like a string slice) use get_ref.

Note that integers in the template can be auto cast to any integer type as long as the value is hard coded into the template (and not originating from state).

E.g i64 can be cast to a u8. However integers can not be cast to floats, and floats can not be cast to integers.

// Component event
fn on_key(
    &mut self,
    key: KeyEvent,
    state: &mut Self::State,
    mut elements: Children<'_, '_>,
    mut context: Context<'_, '_, Self::State>,
) { 
        .each(|el, attrs| {
            let boolean = attrs.get_as::<bool>("is_true").unwrap();
            let string = attrs.get("background").unwrap().as_str().unwrap();