
A component exposes event handling and state management. Any type that implements the anathema::widgets::components::Component trait is a component.

This trait has no required methods, however note that there are two required associated types:

  • State
  • Message

If the component does not need to handle state or receive messages these can be set to the unit type.

use anathema::widgets::components::Component;

struct MyComponent;

impl Component for MyComponent {
    type State = ();    // <-\
                        //    -- Set to () to ignore
    type Message = ();  // <-/

A component has to be registered with the runtime before it can be used in the template.

Template syntax

The component name is prefixed with an @ sign: @component_name, followed by optional associated events, attributes and external state.

@ means it's a component
|   Component name                   Attribute name
|   |         Component event        |      Attribute value
|   |         |        Parent event  |      |
V   V         V        V             V      V
@component (click->parent_click) [attrib: "value"]


Use a component in a template by prefixing the tag with the @ sign:


Focus and receiving events

Mouse events are sent to all components, however key events are only sent to the component that currently has focus.

It is possible to assign focus to a component from another component using context.set_focus.

set_focus takes an attribute name and a value. It is possible to call set_focus on multiple components with a single frame. This will result in multiple components receiving both on_focus and on_blur until the last component in the focus queue which only receives on_focus.


The following example would set focus on @component_a as it has a matching id. It's not required to name the attribute id, it can be any alphanumerical value (as long as it doesn't start with a number).

    @component_a [id: 1]
    @component_b [id: 2]
    @component_c [id: "not a number"]
fn on_key(
    &mut self,
    key: KeyEvent,
    state: &mut Self::State,
    mut elements: Children<'_, '_>,
    mut context: Context<'_, '_, Self::State>,
) {
    context.components.by_attribute("id", 1).focus();